Launch new concept 'Lean Laundry'
In addition to designing, building and optimising high-performance linen and industrial workwear laundries, WSP has many years of experience in processing residents linen in large volumes in the most automated way possible in an industrial laundry service using UHF RFID technology. The linen for these laundries comes from residents of care homes, nursing homes and disabled care services.
In 2016 WSP fully automated the first laundry according to the WSP Care Home concept resulting in enormous performance improvements in the field of labour costs, quality and delivery reliability.
But WSP wouldn’t be WSP if they left it at that.
WSP will soon be launching the Lean Laundry Concept on the market. An innovative combination of hardware and software, which further automates the personal laundry service. The improvements in terms of performance have again been surprising and mainly relate to wage costs and quality. In addition to these improvements, in the design a lot of attention was paid to ergonomics, working conditions, simplicity and coordination with external logistics. The possibilities are very far-reaching!
- Continuous process
- Automatic sorting by process, person and delivery route
- Multiple completeness scanning points
- Minimal manual contact moments with the linen
- High quality and flexibility in your service to your customers
- From simple to extensive and customised solutions
- Interfacing to your linen management and financial software